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Scientists have discovered the strongest height growth gene May 21, 2020 | 12:03 / Interesting information

A group of international scientists who study the genetic diversity of Peruvian citizens have discovered the strongest genetic factor affecting height growth. Such a factor is a variant of the FBN1 gene that encodes the fibrillin protein. This variant marked as E1297G has just only been found in the local people (Indians) of the region and being short of the carrier is due to this. Each copy of E1297G was associated with a decrease in growth by an average of 2.2 centimeters. People with two copies of such a gene were on average 4.4 centimeters lower than those who did not have this option in the genome. Interestingly, E1297G is found in the genomes of approximately five percent of the indigenous people of Peru, but less than one percent of Mexican Indians. In the genome of people of European origin, the option is completely absent.