HomeZarifa Jahandar Suleymanova sa sa

                                                           Zarifa Jahandar Suleymanova                               


Place of birth

Armenian Republic, Spitak district, Saral village

Date of birth



Baku State University, Faculty of Chemistry

Scientific degree

PhD in Biology



Speciality code and title for PhD thesis

2415.01- Molecular biology

Some aspects of structural organization and evolution of Cicer arietinum chloroplast  genome

Total number of printed scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad


Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:

-          number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements

The nucleotide sequence of the chloroplast DNA of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) has been partially determined. The structure and evolutionary properties of the genome and the localization of petA, cemA, accD and 4,5S rrn, tRNAAsn genes were determined in the chloroplast genom of Cicer arietinum. The results of the fundamental importance were obtained in view of the clarification of the stuctural organization and evolution principles of chloroplast genomes in higher plants.The salt tolerance potential of Azerbaijan's durum and bread wheat genotypes was analyzed with RAPD and SSR markers. Expression of wrky transcription factor and HKT ion transporter genes related to salt resistance were studied. Perspective varieties for breeding have been identified

Names of scientific works

Mamedov A.Ch., Shahmuradov I.A., Suleymanova Z.J., Aliev J.A. Some peculiarities of chloroplast genome of Cicer arietinum.17th International Congress on Photosynthesis, August 17-22, 1998, Budapest, Hungary, v.4, p. 3039-3043.

Mamedov A.Ch., Suleymanova Z.J. The cloning of  chloroplast genome of Cicer arietinum. Proceedings of ANAS, biological sciences, Baku, 2002, № 1-6, p.265-277

Suleymanova Z.J., I.A.Shahmuradov. Some aspects of structural organization of Cicer arietinum plastid genome. Proceedings of ANAS biological sciences, Bakı 2003, № 3-4, pp.3-21

Suleymanova Z.J. A partial nucleotide sequence analysis of Cicer arietinum chloroplast DNA. Transactions of botanical institute of Azerbaijan national academy of sciences, 2007, v.27, p.281-285   

Suleymanova Z.C. Some aspects of chloroplast DNA evolution. Transactions of society of Azerbaijan botanists. 2010, v. 1, p. 308-313

Suleymanova Z.J., Mamedov A.Ch. Screening of the salt tolerance of wheat genotypes with RAPD primers. Proceedings of ANAS biological and medical sciences. 2012, v.67, № 3, p. 43-47


Suleymanova  Z.C, Mammadov A .Ch., Zamanov A.А., Suleymanov S.Y. Proceedings of ANAS biological and medical sciences. The assessment of salt tolerance potential in wheat varieties by applying the RAPD-PCR method 2015, v.70, № 2, p. 27-32


Suleymanova  Z.C, Mammadov A.Ch.  Assesment of the Nax1 locus in the genome of local durum wheat varieties. Proceedings of ANAS biological and medical sciences. 2016, v.71, № 2, p. 24-28


Z. J. Suleymanova, B.M. Bannayeva, A.Ch. Mammadov. Salt-induced changes in the composition of total soluble proteins in wheat seedlings. Transactions of the Institute of Molecular Biology &Biotechnologies. ANAS, 2017, v.1, 139-143


S.M. Rustamova, Z.J. Suleymanova, T.Y. Isgandarova, S.T. Zulfugarova, A.Ch.Mammadov, I.M. Huseynova. Identification of stress responsive genes by using molecular markers to develop tolerance in wheat. Wheat Production in Changing Enviroments. Responses, Adaptation and Tolerance. 2019, 421-442

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations

Azerbaijan Society of Botanists;

Azerbaijan Society of Biochemists and Molecular Biologists


Pedagogical activity

Since 2017/2018 academic year, teaching master students “Molecular biotechnology of prokaryotes”, “Gene engineering”, “Research methods of molecular biology” at the İnstitute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, ANAS. 

Other activities


Awards and prizes


Place of work and its address

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS, Izzat Nabiyev st.11, Baku, AZ1073  


Leading research

Office phone

+994 12 538 11 64


+994 77 505 05 24


+994 12 432 08 96


+994 12 510 24 33


