Esmer Bahruz Abdullayeva
Place of birth | Azerbaijan Republik, Baku |
Date of birth | 16.03.1966 |
Education | Azerbaijan State University, Biology Faculty |
Scientific degree | PhD in biology |
Title |
Speciality code and title for PhD thesis | 2411.02 Plant physiology Regulation of C4-cycle enzymes in C3 plants |
Total number of printed scientific publications | 23 |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 7 |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | - |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship | - |
Staff training: - number of PhDs | - |
Basic scientific achievements | Dynamics of the changes in activities of some C4 enzymes (PEPC, NAD- and NADP-MDH, AspAT, PPDK) was studied in leaves and ear elements of various wheat genotypes. Subcellular distribution of these enzymes, the effect of inhibitors of protein synthesis on biosynthesis and effects of pH on the activities of various enzymes were studied. Effects of drought, salt stress, various temperatures and light intensity on C4 enzyme activities were also studied. PEPC was shown to be more sensitive to the temperature changes compared with other enzymes. It was established that among C4 cycle enzymes only NADP-MDH is activated under the influence of light. Activities of C4-cycle enzymes were found to increase in leaves and ear elements of bread as well as durum wheat, though this increase is more pronounced in drought tolerant genotypes. |
Names of scientific works | 1. Мамедов Т.Г., Абдуллаева Э.Б., Гулиев Н.М. Фосфоэнолпируват-карбоксилаза листьев нута. Известия АН Азербайджана, серия биологических наук, 1993, № 1-3, с. 23-26. 2. Memmedov T., Abdullayeva E, Guliyev N. Kurak toprak şartlarında yetiştirilmiş buğdayın yaprak ve başak elementlerinin C4-siklus enzimlerinin aktivitesi. XIII Ulusal Bioloji Kongresi bildirileri, 1996, 2-ci cilt, s. 391-400. 3. Мамедов Т.Г., Абдуллаева Э.Б., Гулиев Н.М. Активность основных ферментов С4-цикла листьев и элементов колоса пшеницы в условиях почвенной засухи. Известия АН Азербайджана, серия биологических наук, 1997, № 1-6, с. 12-18. 4. Абдуллаева Э.Б., Байрамов Ш.М. Сравнительное изучение ферментов С4-цикла в листьях и элементах колоса генотипов пшеницы в условиях водного стресса. Известия НАН Азербайджана, серия биологических наук, 2002, № 1-6, с. 119-126. |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations | - |
Pedagogical activity | - |
Other activities | - |
Awards and prizes | - |
Place of work and its address | Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS, Izzat Nabiyev st.11, Baku, AZ1073 |
Position | Scentific researcher |
Office phone | (+994 12) 538 11 64 |
Mobile | (+994 50) 310 06 59 |
Home | (+994 12) 566 64 41 |
Fax | (+994 12) 510 24 33 |
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