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The name of Azerbaijani scientist is among the most cited researchers in 2020 + Photo Dec 03, 2020 | 16:34 / Important events

Clarivate Web of Science ™ announces the most cited researchers every year. The Azerbaijani scientist, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Plant Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Fundamental Problems of Biology, head of the International Laboratory of Bionanotechnology of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies doctor of biological sciences Suleyman Allahverdiyev’s name is in the elite group of the most cited scientists in 21 research areas, in 2020.

It should be noted that Suleyman Allahverdiyev's name has been on this list every year for the last three years. The results of his research works are published in the influential journals such as “Chemical Reviewers”, “Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA”, “The EMBO Journal”, “Journal of Photochemical and Photobiology”, “Photosynthesis Research”, “FEBS Letters”, etc. The prominent scientist with Hirsch index 52 and 60 is the author of more than 500 scientific works, 8 books, and 6 inventions, his works are cited more than 17330.