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The meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists was held + Photo Apr 02, 2021 | 14:45 / Conferences, assemblies

On April 2, the meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists (CYSS) was held at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies. Along with the chairman of the council, deputy director for scientific affairs, Ph.D. in biology Alamdar Mammadov, director of the institute academician Irada Huseynova, correspondent member of ANAS, professor I.Azizov, scientific secretary Ph.D. Durna Aliyeva also took part in the meeting. The meeting discussed the formation of a new composition of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Institute, the termination of the current chairman of the council Ulduza Gurbanova due to age, the election of a new chairman, deputy chairman, and secretary. Correspondent member of ANAS I.Azizov praised the activity of the youth organization, the active role of youth in the scientific and public life of the institute. Academician Irada Huseynova informed that the chairman of CYSS U.Gurbanova is also a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute, scientific secretary of the Dissertation Council, leading specialist of the service of the vice-president of ANAS. Academician İ. Huseynova expressed confidence that the newly elected chairman will follow U.Gurbanova's experience.

Afterward, the meeting participants were informed about the scientific and public activities of the candidates nominated for the position of the chairman, deputy chairman, and secretary of the council in order to form a new composition of CYSS, and open voting was held. Junior researcher of Bioadaptation laboratory Nargiz Bayramova was elected chairman of CYSS, junior researcher of the laboratory of  Plant biotechnology Aygun Sadigova, and junior researcher of Bioadaptation laboratory Sabina Omarova were elected vice chairman, master student of the laboratory of Molecular bioengineering Aytaj Murshudzadeh was elected secretary of the council.

At the end of the event, academician I.Huseynova congratulated the youth and wished them success in their activities.