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Professor Suleyman Allahverdiyev was presented The Scopus Award Dec 04, 2018 | 09:39 / Important events

On November 8 the head of the laboratory of Bionanotechnology of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies and the laboratory of Controlled Photosynthesis of the Institute of Physiology named after acad. K.A.Timiryazev of the Russian Academy of Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Fundamental Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor of the Moscow State University Suleyman Allahverdiyev was presented the Scopus award for the merits in the development of the biological science in Russia and abroad as the most cited scientist in 2018.

The prominent scientist having the Hirsch index 52 (based on Web of Science and Scopus) and 60 (based on Google Scholar) is an author of more than 400 scientific works, 6 discoveries and 8 books. His works have been cited more than 12500 times. Currently, he is a member of the editorial board of more than 15 international journals. He is a deputy editor of the journals “International Journal of Hydrogen Energy” (Elsevier), "Photosynthesis Research” (Springer), “Photosynthetica” (Springer), "Helion" (Elsevier), “Functional Plant Biology” (CSIRO),   section editor of the journal “BBA Bioenergetics” (Elsevier) and reviewer of numerous international journals and grant projects.

S.I. Allahverdiyev studied primary mechanisms constituting the function of the electron transport chain of PS2, revealed the intermediate acceptor- Pheophytin molecule in the reaction center of PS2. He proposed energetic and kinetic scheme of the electron transport during photosynthesis in the presence of Pheophytin. He studied the molecular mechanisms of adaptation of plant photosynthetic apparatus to adverse environmental conditions using the methods of physicochemical biology, including DNA-microchips. The obtained results have been included in the textbooks of physicochemical biology worldwide.

The aim of the current researches of the scientists on nanobiotechnology is the creation of the artificial photosynthetic system, to synthesize more efficient catalyst for breaking H2O at the expense of solar energy for obtaining molecular hydrogen as an alternative energy source.  

The Scopus Award was established by Elsevier company since 2004, which publishes information about important scientific and technical achievements. Scopus is considered to be the most objective indicator of scientific achievements: “The contribution of every scientist to the development of science is determined by the number of scientific papers he has published and the citation index in the international media." Analyzes are conducted on 11 science fields for selection of candidates in the Scopus database and the number of indexed publications in the Scopus database for each science area for 2015-2018, the average number of citations, citation index are taken into consideration. This award is presented to the most published and highly cited researchers in Latin America, Asia, Europe and Russia since 2011. On November 27, Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) published the ranking list of Highly Cited Researchers in 2018. We are very proud our compatriot, doctor of biological sciences, Professor Suleyman Allahverdiyev is in this list among  8 Russian scientists. We would like to inform that Clarivate Analytics is the world leader in the field of science metrics analysis. The Company has published for 5 times the list of the most influential scientists based on the Web of Science database. 1% of highly cited researchers for last year is included in this list. This year 4058 scientists from 21 fields of humanitarian sciences and of natural sciences have entered the rating. Undoubtedly, the US remains the leader for the number of influential scientists. The number of US scientists which are in the list is 2639. After the United States, Great Britain (546) and China (482) have shown excellent results. Harvard University (USA) is the best in this list. It is very proud to say that our compatriot S.Allahverdiyev is one of the highly cited scientists in the world.