sa sa 1267
The employee of the institute Leyla Khalilova won the 6th grant competition of the Young Scientists and Specialists Jan 24, 2022 | 16:33 / Important events

Junior researcher of the international laboratory of Bionanotechnology Leyla Khalilova won the 6th grant competition of the Young Scientist and Specialists organized by Science Development Fund. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate the scientific activity of the young scientists and specialists and create favorable conditions for them to conduct scientific research, develop programs to strengthen the capacity of young staff, increase their scientific and professional levels, support innovation activity, attract to participate in regional and international programs and projects. According to the decision of the Council of Trustees, 13 projects of fundamental-applied nature out of 32 projects won in the 6th grant competition of Young Scientists and Specialists, including Leyla Khalilova's project "Benzimidozoldihydrotiophene and dihydropyridine carboxamide derivatives as photosynthetic, carbonic anhydrase and glutathione reductase activity inhibitors".