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Ph.D. student of the institute Gunay Zakiyeva was on a scientific mission in Turkey + Photo Feb 23, 2022 | 15:43 / Scientific mission

Gunay Zakiyeva, Ph.D. student of the international laboratory of Molecular Bioengineering was on a scientific mission in Turkey on 09.01.2022-10.02.2022. Her research on "Separation, expression, and characterization of the Enzyme Phosphoglycolate Phosphatase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii green algae", conducted in the Biotechnology Laboratory of the Department of Agriculture of Akdeniz University was led by Professor of Akdeniz University, correspondent member of ANAS Tarlan Mammadov. During the research separation, cloning, and gene expression analysis of three isogens of the enzyme phosphoglycolate phosphatase (fgf1, fgf2, fgf3) from C. reinharditii green algae were performed.