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Employees of MBBI were on a scientific trip in the Gobustan Regional Experimental Station of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture + Photo May 27, 2022 | 18:00 / Scientific mission

Leading researcher of the Bioadaptation laboratory, Ph.D. in biology Samira Rustamova, researcher Turana Isgandarova and leading researcher of the laboratory of  Enzymology of Photosynthetic Carbon Assimilation, Ph.D. in biology Ulduza Gurbanova were on a scientific trip in the Gobustan Regional Experimental Station (RES)  of the Research Institute of Crop Husbandry of the Ministry of Agriculture. The main purpose of the trip was to conduct research on non-invasive digital phenotyping of wheat genotypes planted in the field for GWAS analysis. During the scientific trip, monitoring was carried out in various control nurseries in the experimental grain fields. The phenotypic condition of the plants was assessed using the Polypen400 device. A total of 67 local, 41 Russian, 9 Turkish, and 18 European genotypes were measured. This digital phenotyping device allows for to assess the physiological condition of the plant with non-invasive sensitivity. Measurements were performed on three plants for each genotype. The results will be analyzed by statistical and bioinformatics programs.