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The practice course on "Human genetic identification and passportization problems" continued at IMBB  + Photo Oct 28, 2022 | 16:30 / Important events

On October 27-28, the practice course on "Problems of human genetic identification and passportization" was held for students at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of AR MES. The lectures were delivered on "Diagnosis and treatment of children with androgen insensitivity syndrome" by Ilhama Jafarova, research and clinical pediatric urological surgeon at Guys and St Thomas University Hospital, UK, on “Mitochondrial DNA structure, function and mutations, application in identity identification, forensic medical examination and diagnosis of hereditary diseases” by Head of the Laboratory of Genome Structure and Expression, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, PhD in biology, Associate Professor Alamdar Mammadov Mammadov, and on “Paternal transmission of mitochondrial DNA in humans” by the leading researcher of the same laboratory, PhD in biology, Associate Professor Saadat Khudaverdiyeva. The students also participated in laboratory activities. They got acquainted with collecting the reaction for 16 STR locus and conducting PCR in a DNA amplifier (Applied Biosystems, 9600), analyzing amplicons by capillary electrophoresis in a "DNA analyzer 3130xl" machine, and processing the results using the software.