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IMBB employees participated in the training conducted by Elsevier on the use of Scopus and ScienceDirect databases + Photo Mar 10, 2024 | 10:17 / Important events

The training organized by the State Agency for Science and Higher Education was conducted by Elsevier representative Saide Sak at the Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry. Employees of research institutes and higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Science and Education took part in the training. The main goal of the three-day training was to provide participants with the necessary information about the rules for using the world's largest scientific databases - Scopus and ScienceDirect.

The training was attended by employees of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan, chief specialist of the Department of İnternational and Public Relations Narmin Sheydazade, software engineer of the bioinformatics laboratory Nigar Hajiyeva and head of the library Gunel Suleymanova.

The training covered topics such as managing author profiles in Elmmetric databases, the process of publishing research papers, effective search and analysis methods for successful research, and establishing collaboration. The questions of the training participants were answered comprehensively.