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ANAS President Isa Habibbayli met with a representative of the Inter-Academic Partnership Association (IAP) + Photo Oct 04, 2024 | 15:00 / Meetings

Academician Isa Habibbayli, President of ANAS met with the representative of the Inter-Academic Partnership Association (IAP), Dr. Robin Fears, who was visiting our country as part of the Baku Climate Action Week.

Speaking at the meeting, Academician Isa Habibbayli said that Azerbaijan's hosting of such a prestigious international event as COP29 is a historic event and emphasized that the Baku Climate Action Week is one of the important stages of preparation for COP29. He noted that through this conference, the Academy gets the opportunity to establish wide relations and cooperate with well-known and influential scientists of the world who visit our country.

Academician Isa Habibbeyli, who informed the guest about the history of the Academy and its activities, said that with the relevant decree of the head of state, management in the field of science and education has been improved in our country, and ANAS has already included humanities and social sciences, as well as seismology. In addition, he pointed out that ANAS departments such as Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Earth Sciences, Biology, and Medical Sciences are also active. He noted that conferences devoted to the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" and COP29 were held within the scope of activities of the scientific departments of ANAS, and extensive discussions on climate change were held.

Speaking at the meeting, IAP representative Dr. Robin Fears expressed his satisfaction with being in ANAS and said that holding COP29 in Azerbaijan further increased the reputation of our country in the world. Appreciating the conferences dedicated to "Green World" and COP29 held in ANAS, the IAP official said that scientists representing the fields of humanities and social sciences in this direction have a different approach to climate change.

Dr. Robin Fears said that four regional divisions of the Association of Inter-Academic Partnerships are functioning, bringing together about 150 national, regional, and global academies and more than 30,000 scientists, engineers, and medical specialists. He emphasized that he provides scientific advice to states and the public on solving global problems in science, education, health, energy, and other fields.  Qonaq, həmçinin bioelmlər sahəsində apardığı tədqiqatlar barədə danışıb.

During the meeting, the issue of participation in joint projects was also widely discussed.

Later, academician Isa Habibbayli presented gifts to the guest. Dr. Robin Fears got acquainted with the building of the Presidium of ANAS and took a commemorative photo.

It should be noted that Academician Irada Huseynova, Vice-President of ANAS, Esmira Alirzayeva, PhD in Biology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Relations and International Scientific Organizations of the Presidium of ANAS, also participated in the meeting.