sa sa 2012
The article whose co-author is Tofig Allahverdiyev was published in the impact factor journal May 08, 2019 | 11:32 / Important events

The article “Co-occurrence of mild salinity and drought synergistically enhances biomass and grain retardation in wheat” whose co-author is the researcher of Bioadaptation laboratory of IMBB, Doctor of biological sciences, docent T.I.Allahverdiyev was published in Frontiers in Plant Science (impact factor 3,677, 2017 JCR, Clarivate Analytics 2018) journal. This article focuses on the study of physiological, biochemical, agronomic indicators in cultivation conditions of normal irrigation, drought stress, salt stress, drought and salt stresses of 14 wheat genotypes of different geographical origin (Austria, Azerbaijan, Serbia). This research was carried out at the expense of the European Plant Phoenix Network grant EPPN2020 (EPPN, Grant Agreement No. 284443) and Hungarian Ministry of National Economy (GUINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037) The conducted research allows the complex research of plant phenotype to indicate the potential for selective use for drought and salt resistance.

_Article T.Allahverdiyev.pdf