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A group of ANAS employees granted the "High-performing educators of the Republic of Azerbaijan" Badges Jul 22, 2019 | 17:36 / Important events

According to the Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov a group of ANAS employees granted the "High-performing educators of the Republic of Azerbaijan" Badges for their activities in the field of development of science and education.

The badge has been awarded: head of the Department of Doctoranture of the Head Office of Science and Education of ANAS Presidium, Ph.D. in Chemistry Omar Gulalov, head of the laboratory of ANAS Institute of Petrochemical Processes Almaz Taghiyeva, senior researcher at the same institution Mahaddin Iskandarov and leading researcher Nizami Mursalov, head of Education Department of ANAS Institute of Control Systems, PhD in Mathematics Sevinj Guliyeva, head of the Educational and Innovation Center of ANAS Institute of Information Technology, Ph.D. in Engineering Rasmiyya Mahmudova, head of the Department of Education of ANAS Institute of Linguistics, Ph.D. in Philology Gatiba Guliyeva and head of Education Department of ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, Ph.D. in Biology, associate professor Samira Rustamova.