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Attestation of the doctoral students on preparing for Ph.D. was held + Photo Feb 19, 2020 | 08:53 / Important events

On February 17, 2020  attestation of the doctoral students on preparing for Ph.D. was held at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS. 9 doctoral students  (Molecular biology-4, Biotechnology-2, Biochemistry-2, Mathematical biology, bioinformatics-1) carry out their research. Doctoral students reported on their research carried out in 2019  to the Attestation Commission established under the order of the Director of the Institute, Academician Irada Huseynova on February 04, 2020, No. 23 and their individual work plans, participation in conferences and internships were discussed. The Attestation Commission decided doctoral students’ to continue their education in the next academic year as the work in their individual work plans was fully implemented.