The rapid spread of new coronavirus infections in the future is highly unlikely due to the rapid changes in climate and ecology, as well as the increased human-animal interaction. Therefore, there is a need for effective treatment of coronaviruses.
These statements are reflected in the article of the vice-president of ANAS, chairman of the Scientific Council of the Division of Biological and Medical Sciences, academician Irada Huseynova in the newspaper "Azerbaijan". The academic article discusses coronaviruses, evolution, mechanisms of resistance, and ways to fight them.
The article conducts that up to 1980s, World Health Organization (DST) included four infections in the list of especially dangerous infections: Town (Pestis - Plague), Plague (Cholera), Natural Flora (Variola vera - Smallpox) and Yellow fever (Yellow fever). In the 1980, the DST Assembly reported that it had achieved the abolition of Natural Flowers through vaccination. Currently, this group of infections includes Hemolytic fever (Dengue, Lassa, Marburg, Ebola, West Nile fever), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS).
The presence of S-proteins in the coronavirus pandemic reduces the ability of the virus to survive on the surface. Oxygen and other oxidants cause denaturation of S-proteins because they can act freely. Studies have shown that coronavirus can stay on the dry surface for several hours to several days. It has been established that the virus can remain on plastic and stainless steel materials for 72 hours, 24 hours on cardboard and 4 hours on copper. It was found that coronavirus was destroyed in the environment at + 33 ° C for 16 hours and + 56 ° C for 10 minutes. Studies have shown different effects of various antiseptic drugs on coronaviruses.