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Azerbaijani scientists joined 4 new projects on COST program Apr 13, 2020 | 20:58 / Important events

Network of National Contact Points (NNCP) within the Horizon 2020 EU Research and Innovation Program, coordinated by Academician Ibrahim Guliyev, the first Vice-President of ANAS, implements important activities in the field of popularization and awareness in order to increase the participation of Azerbaijani scientists in the international projects and programs.

Series of awareness seminars were organized by the Department of Foreign Relations of the Presidium of ANAS together with NNCP members in scientific institutions of ANAS as well as in different scientific and educational organizations of the Republic. The detailed information was provided on various Horizon 2020 programs, new calls, proposal writing and networking with partner organizations. In this regard, the Department closely cooperated with EU organizations and different seminars for Azerbaijani scientists on proposal writing and COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) were organized with the participation of EU responsible representatives in relevant fields.

Successful projects from Azerbaijan were submitted as a result of the implemented activity. It should be noted that until recently, only one project from Azerbaijan (by the participation of the Center for Public Health and Reforms of the Ministry of Health of Azerbaijan Republic) was carried out in the framework of COST Program. Currently, Azerbaijani scientists joined 4 new projects on COST Program. These projects are:

1. “Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality”. Coordinator from Azerbaijan – Doctor of Biological Sciences Shahniyar Bayramov, participants – staff of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS. From COST member country: 22 European countries, Turkey, United Kingdom, Israel and Moldova; from Near Neighbour Country: Azerbaijan, Tunis, Jordan and Russia participate in the project. General coordinator country is France.

2. “European Network on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei”. Coordinator from Azerbaijan – Correspondent member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov, participants – staff of the Chair of Surgical Diseases of Azerbaijan Medical University. From COST member country: 18 European countries, Turkey, United Kingdom and Israel; as an international partner: Pakistan; from Near Neighbour Country: Azerbaijan participate in the project. General coordinator country is Norway.

3. “Identifying Biomarkers through Translational Research for Prevention and Stratification of Colorectal Cancer”. Coordinator from Azerbaijan – Correspondent member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov, participants – staff of the Chair of Surgical Diseases and the Chair of Health Organization of Azerbaijan Medical University as well as the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS. From COST member country: 28 European countries, Turkey, United Kingdom and Israel; as an international partner: University of California and University of Washington of USA; as a special organizations: European Molecular Biology Laboratory and International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC-WHO); from Near Neighbour Country: Azerbaijan and Tunis participate in the project. General coordinator country is Spain.

4. “Genome editing in plants”. Coordinator from Azerbaijan – Dr. Mehrac Abbasov, participants – staff of the Institute of Genetic Resources of ANAS and the Institute of Food Security. From COST member country: 32 European countries, Turkey, United Kingdom, Israel and Moldova; from Near Neighbour Country: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Tunis, Ukrain; as an international partner: South Africa, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Iran, Mexico and Peru, also 5 special organizations participate in the project. General coordinator country is Sweden.

It should be noted that currently scientists of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of ANAS, Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory named after Nasiraddin Tusi of ANAS and the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry named after Academician Murtuza Naghiyev successfully implement 3 projects in the framework of Horizon 2020 Maria Sklodovska-Curie Program.