Coronavirus pandemic and quarantine regime are not proper for a number of people’s psychological state and tolerance. There is a category of people that will face psychological collapse and problems during this period. reports that psychologists have divided people who live this pandemic into 2 groups: those who don’t accept the virus, aren’t afraid, and very confident. Another group is afraid of every little sign and panics that the virus will catch it. Actually you can think it is better not to be afraid. But in times of psychological danger, the risk of infection increases, even more, when people are completely comfortable. Psychologists say that when the human brain is convinced that there is no danger, the body's defense button goes off, the immune system is dormant and not ready. Therefore, even the slightest symptoms of the virus are not felt, and when the virus enters the body, the immune response is delayed. Doctors think that it is very dangerous to think that nothing will happen in times of global danger. The second group of people, who think they will be infected at any moment, also expect negative results.
If a person thinks he is infected every second, false symptoms like this virus may occur in his body. A person may face a runny nose, sore throat, heavy breathing, etc. Fear of illness and thought affect the psychosomatic subconscious. It is true that the body of these people is constantly working in an attack-ready mode. But stress kills the nervous system, the veins are constricted, adrenaline and cortisol bounce in the blood. This can lead to heart attack, stroke. Therefore, it is necessary to take both protective measures and to keep the psychological state stable by taking a common denominator. Think well, but do not be careless.