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Detected 100% Coronavirus blocking antibody May 18, 2020 | 13:17 / Interesting information

Scientists are close to creating a drug that will remove the restrictions imposed in the world due to coronavirus. At least so say its developers from the biopharmaceutical company Sorrento Therapeutics, reports Fox News.

The company has been building a “library” of antibodies for years. Now it has already a billion samples. With the onset of the pandemic, they began testing on coronavirus and it turned out that several of them are effective in fighting infection. And one antibody - STI-1499 - is able to completely block the coronavirus and protect cells from infection. In the case when the virus cannot penetrate into them, it dies. At the same time, antibodies not only block the “enemy", but also give a signal to the immune system to actively resist the threat.

A medicine based on the detected antibodies will completely remove the virus from the body in four days. In addition, it can act as a “temporary vaccine”, preventing infection.