On 23 May 2020 the article “Drug addiction is more dangerous than all pandemics” of Vice-President of ANAS, director of IMBB academician Irada Huseynova was published in “Iki Sahil” newspaper. The academician noted that the fight against drugs and drug trafficking is one of the most important issues facing our state. The detailed information about some narcotic plants, their diversity, effects on the human body, its consequences were given in the article. The academician said that the institutes of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS are working on the development of the necessary teaching aids on drug-containing plants and their use and their placement on Internet resources. Speaking about the important role of learning of drug addiction in thematic plans of the institute and project work at the Institute of Physiology named after academician Abdulla Garayev and commenting in detail on the work done in this area, I.Huseynova said she was confident that the drugs under study would help eliminate drug addiction.
The article is available at the following link:
https://ikisahil.az/paper/7588 , səh. 28