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T-cells defeat the coronavirus Jul 07, 2020 | 13:26 / Interesting information

Swedish scientists have proved that it is possible to fight the coronavirus through the T cells of the acquired human immunity. It is likely that this form of struggle works in people with asymptomatic disease. The research was conducted on 200 people. Most of them had coronavirus disease, and some had not been diagnosed by any tests. T-cells have been found in all people with severe to moderate disease. However, these cells are also found in 30% of people who consider themselves completely healthy. Theoretically, T-cells can defeat the virus before antibodies can form. This may explain the lack of antibodies in the blood of people with mild disease. These cells are the best way to fight the virus. It is possible that the body, which has gained experience in combating coronavirus, will be resistant to this disease in the future thanks to T-cells.