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The defense of dissertations of the 2nd year master students was held + Photo Jun 05, 2018 | 16:27 / Important events


The defense of dissertations of the 2nd year master students successfully completed their scientific-research and scientific-pedagogical practices in the 2017/2018 academic year on specialties “Molecular Biology” and “Biotechnology”, was held at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies. The master students on specialty “Molecular Biology” - Gulnar Rizvan Abdullayeva, Fidan Rahim Huseynova, and on specialty “Biotechnology” - Elnara Etibar Sadigova, Elshan Oktay Musazade presented their dissertations to the members of the Defense Council and gave comprehensive answers to the all arisen questions. The chief of the Magistracy Department of the Office of Science and Education of ANAS Fikret Feyziyev participated in the defense and expressed his satisfaction with the performance of the master students. The students expressed deep gratitude to their supervisors and teachers, especially to the director of the institute academic Irada Huseynova, for the provided conditions and their success in the education and scientific research.