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Institute of Dendrology conducts important research on the development of oak forests + Photo Aug 13, 2020 | 15:27 / Important events

Oak is the main biomass after beech in the forests of Azerbaijan and has important ecological, economic and symbolic significance for our flora. It is known that one of the main environmental problems today is global warming, and the greenhouse effect occurs as the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases. In order to prevent this, it is necessary to protect the existing flora, as well as create new forest belts. The study of oak trees in order to conserve rich forest resources and biodiversity has always been the focus of scientists.

At the Institute of Dendrology of ANAS, under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Zumrud Mammadova, studies at the morphological and molecular levels were carried out on 5 species of oak (G. castaneifolia, G. pedunculiflora, G. iberica, G. macrhantera, G. ilex) growing in different regions Azerbaijan, in various morphological ecological conditions. In total, measurements were made on 5 species, 7 populations, 91 individuals and 910 leaf samples using the latest equipment.