Место рождения | Азербайджанская Республика, Исмаиллинский район, село Талистан | |
Дата рождения | 16.01.1959 | |
Образование | Азербайджанский Государственный Университет | |
Ученая степень | Доктор философии по биологиии | |
Ученое звание | ||
Название кандидатской (PhD) диссертации: - шифр специальности, - наименование специальности - название темы |
2406.01 Биофизика Спектральная характеристика и ориентация нативных форм пигментов у пигмент-белковых комплексов | |
Общее количество опубликованных научных работ: - количество научных работ, опубликованных за рубежом - количество статей, опубликованных в журналах, индексируемых и реферируемых в международных базах | 46
30 | |
Количество авторских свидетельств и патентов | ||
Подготовка кадров: - Кол-во кандидатов наук | ||
Основные научные достижения | Выяснение механизма нефотохимического гашения флуоресценции; роль активных форм кислорода при адаптации к экстремальной среде; изучение некоторых аспектов метаболизма хлорофилла | |
Названия научных работ | 1. Zulfugarov İS, Tovuu A, Chi- Kim C-Y, Vo KTX, Ko SY, Hall M, Seok H-Y, Kim Y-K, Skogstrom O, Moon Y-H, Jansson S, Jeon J-S, Lee C-H.Enhanced resistance of rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant lacking PsbS protein to fungal and bacterial pathogens. J Plant Biol, 2016, 59(6):616-626. 2. Tovuu A, Zulfugarov IS, Guangxi Wu, In Soon Kang, Coongrak Kim, Byoung Yong Moon, Gynheungan, Lee C-H. Rice mutants deficient in ω-3 fatty acid desaturase (FAD8) fail to acclimate to cold temperatures. Plant PhysiolBiochem, 2016, 109:525-535. 3. Poudyal RS, Nath K, Zulfugarov İS, Lee C-H. Production of superoxide from Photosystem II-Light Harvesting Complex II supercomplex in STN8 kinase knock-out rice mutants under photoinhibitory illumination. J Photochem Photobiol B: Biol 2016, 162: 240-247. 4. Petrov K.A.,Dudareva L.V., Nokhsorov V.V.,Perk A.A., Chepalov V.A., Sophronova V.E., Voinikov V.K., Zulfugarov I.S., Lee C.-H. The role of plant fatty acids in regulation of the adaptation of organisms to the cold climate in cryolithiczone of Yakutia. J Life Sci, 2016, 26(5):519-530. DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.5352/JLS.2016.26.5.519. 5. Zulfugarov IS, Tovuu A, Lee C-H.Acceleration of cyclic electron flow in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) deficient in the PsbS protein of Photosystem II. Plant Physiol Biochem 2014; 84:233–239. 6. Zulfugarov IS, Tovuu A, Eu YJ, Dogsom B, Poudyal RS, Nath K, et al. Production of superoxide from Photosystem II in a rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant lacking PsbS. BMC Plant Biol 2014; 14(1):242. 7. Nath, K., Poudyal, R.S., Eom, J.-S., Park, Y.S., Zulfugarov, I.S., Mishra, S.R., Tovuu, A., Ryoo, N., Yoon, H.-S., Nam, H.G., An, G., Jeon, J.-S., Lee, C.-H. Loss-of-function of OsSTN8 suppresses the photosystem II core protein phosphorylation and interferes with the photosystem II repair mechanism in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant J, 2013, 76(4): 675-686. 8. Olennikov, D.N., Chirikova, N.K., Okhlopkova, Z.M., Zulfugarov, I.S. Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of TánaraÓtó (Dracocephalumpalmatum Stephan), a medicinal plant used by the north-yakutian nomads. Molecules, 2013, 18(11):14105-14121. 9. Tovuu, A., Zulfugarov, I.S., Lee, C.-H. Correlations between the temperature dependence of chlorophyll fluorescence and the fluidity of thylakoid membranes .Physiologia Plantarum, 2013, 147(4):409-416. 10. Sujata R. Mishra, Young-Jae Eu, Krishna Nath, Altanzaya Tovuu, Ismayil S. Zulfugarov, and Choon-Hwan Lee. Mutants of Chlorophyllide Oxygenase. In: "Photosynthesis: Overviews on recent progress and future perspectives", edited by Drs. Shigeru Itoh, Prasanna Mohantyand K.N. Guruprasad (ISBN: 978-93-81141-00-7), published by IK Pubs, New Delhi. 2012, Chapter 10, pp. 130-145 11. I.S. Zulfugarov, A. Tovuu, J-H. Kim and C.-H.Lee. Detection of reactive oxygen species in higher plants. J. Plant. Biol. 2011, 54:351-357 –DOI: 10.1007/s12374-011-9177-4. 12. Mi Suk Jeong, Eun Young Hwang, Gyoung-Ean Jin, So Young Park, Ismayil S. Zulfugarov, Yong-Hwan Moon, Choon-Hwan Lee, and Se Bok Jang. Expression and pH-dependence of the Photosystem II Subunit S from Arabidopsis thaliana. Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. 2010, 31(6): 1479-1484 – DOI: 10.5012/bkcs.2010.31.6.1479. 13. I.S. Zulfugarov, A. Tovu, B. Dogsom, C.Y. Lee and C.-H. Lee. PsbS-specific zeaxanthin-independent changes in fluorescence emission spectrum as a signature of energy-dependent non-photochemical quenching in higher plants. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9(5):697-703 – DOI: 10.1039/b9pp00132h. 14. J. Li, D.Pandeya, K.Nath, I.S.Zulfugarov, S.-C.Yoo, H. Zhang, J.-H.Yoo, S.-H. Cho, H.-J.Koh, D.-S. Kim, H.S. Seo, B.-C. Kang, C.-H. Lee, N.-C.Paek.Z EBRA-NECROSIS, a thylakoid-bound protein, is critical for photoprotection of developing chloroplasts during early leaf development. Plant J, 2010, 62:713-725 – DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-313X.2010.04183.x. 15. I.S. Zulfugarov, S.R.Mishra and C.-H. Lee. Quantitative analysis of cyclic electron flow in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) lacking PsbS protein of photosystem II. Proc. Acad. Sci. Azerbaijan, 2010, Vol 65(5-6): 90-95 16. J. Shin, K. Kim, H. Kang, I.S. Zulfugarov, G. Bae, C.-H. Lee, D. Lee, and G. Choi. Phytochromes promote seedling light responses by inhibiting negatively acting four phytochrome-interacting proteins. PNAS USA, 2009, 106(18): 7660-7665 17. M.-H. Oh,R.B. Safarova, Y.-J. Eu, I.S. Zulfugarov, J.-H. Kim, H.J. Hwang, C.B. Lee and C.-H. Lee. Loss of peripheral polypeptides in the stromal side of Photosystem I by light-chilling in cucumber leaves. Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2009, 8: 535-541 18. Y.H. Chi, J.C. Moon, J.H. Park, H.-S. Kim, I.S. Zulfugarov, W.I. Fanata, H.H.Jang, J.R. Lee, Y.M. Lee, S.T. Kim, Y.-Y. Chung, C.O. Lim, J.-Y. Kim, D.-J. Yun, C.-H. Lee, S.Y. Lee and K.O. Lee. Abnormal chloroplast development and growth inhibition in Oryza sativathioredoxinm knock-down plants. Plant Physiol., 2008, 148: 808-817 19. K. Nath, S.R. Mishra, I.S. Zulfugarov, Sharif-Ar-Raffi, C.B. Lee, G. An, C.-H. Lee. Characterization of a T-DNA inserted STN8 kinase mutant of Oryza sativa L. In: Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun. Proceeding of the 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis. John F. Allen, Elizabeth Gantt, John H. Golbeck and Barry Osmond Eds, Glasgow, England. 2007 Vol.5, pp1307-1311. 20. Y.-J. Yu, S.R. Mishra, I.S. Zulfugarov, C.B. Lee and C.-H. Lee. The effect of pH on the nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence of thylakoid membranes. In: Photosynthesis. Energy from the Sun. Proceeding of the 14th International Congress of Photosynthesis. John F. Allen, Elizabeth Gantt, John H. Golbeck and Barry Osmond Eds, Glasgow, England. 2007 Vol.4, pp1005-1008 21. I.S. Zulfugarov, O.-K. Ham, S.R. Mishra, J.-Y. Kim, K.Nath, H-Y Koo, Y-H. Moon, H.-S. Kim, G. An and C.-H.Lee. Dependence of reaction center-type of energy-dependent quenching on antenna size of photosystem II. Biochim Biophys Acta (Bioenergetics), 2007, 1767: 773-780. 22. E.S. Yoo, H.-S. Kim, B.K. Park, I.S. Zulfugarov, M.-H. Oh, B.Y. Moon, C.B. Lee, Y.-H. Moon and C.-H. Lee. Transcriptional and post-transcriptional of OsLhca genes in the OsCAO1 mutant. Plant Biol, 2005, P144-145 (249). 2005.7. 16~ 2. 20. Seattle, Washington USA 23. H.-M. Lee, H.-Y. Park, I.S. Zulfugarov, C.-H. Lee and Y.-H. Moon. Generation and selection of promoter trap lines for the investigation of shoot development in Arabidopsis. J Life Sci, 2006, 16(3): 540-545 24. I.S. Zulfugarov, S.R. Mishra, O.-K. Ham, R.B. Safarova, K. Nath and C.-H. Lee. Current understanding of the mechanism of qE, a major component of non-photochemical quenching in green plants. J. Photoscience, 2005, 12(3): pp 175-183 25. M.H. Son, I.S. Zulfugarov, O.-S. Kwon, B.-Y. Moon, I.K. Chung, C.-H. Lee and J.A. Lee. The study on the fluorescence characteristics of several freshwater bloom forming algal species and its application. Algae, 2005, 20(2): 113-120 26. Oh, M.-H., Kim, J.-H., Zulfugarov, I.S., Moon, Y.-H., Rhew, T.-H., Lee, C.-H. Effects of benzyladenine and abscisic acid on the disassembly process of photosystems in an Arabidopsis delayed-senescence mutant, ore9. J. Plant Biol, 2005, 48(2):170-177 27. I.S. Zulfugarov, B.-C. Chung, H.J. Hwang, C.-H. Ryu, B.Y. Moon, G. An, C.-H. Lee. The expression profile of rice genes in plants related to the protection and regulation mechanisms against abiotic stresses in the light. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Proceeding of the 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis. A. van der Est. and D. Bruce Eds, Montreal, Canada. 2004 Vol.1, pp. 1010-1012. 28. Koo H.Y., I.S. Zulfugarov, M.-H. Oh, Y.-H. Moon, S.Jansson, G. An and C.-H.Lee. The function of the PsbS protein in relation to nonphotochemical energy dependent quenching in rice plants. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Proceeding of the 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis. A. van der Est. and D. Bruce Eds, Montreal, Canada. 2004 Vol.1, pp. 527-530. 29. E.S. Yoo, J.H. Kim, M.-H. Oh, I. S. Zulfugarov, S.C. Lee, G. An, T.-H. Rhew, C.-H. Lee. The role of chlorophyll b in the photoprotection of photosystem I and II using chlorophyll b less mutants. In: Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. Proceeding of the 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis. A. van der Est. and D. Bruce Eds, Montreal, Canada. 2004 Vol.1, pp. 187-189. 30. E.K.Song, I.S.Zulfugarov, J-H.Kim, E.H.Kim and C-H.Lee. Selection and characterization of transposon tagging mutants of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 sensitive to high light and oxidative stress. J Plant Biol, 2004, 47(4): 289-299 31. J.A. Aliev, I.M. Guseinova, S.Y. Suleimanov, I.S. Zulfugarov. Light-induced biogenesis of chlorophyll-protein complexes in developing wheat thylakoids. Biochemistry (Mosc), 2001, 66(5):490-495 32. I.M. Guseinova, S.Yu. Suleimanov, I.S. Zulfugarov, J.A. Aliev. Assembly of the light-harvesting complexes during plastid development. Journal of Fluorescence, 2000, 10(3):255-259 33. I.A. Shahmuradov, N.Sh. Mustafaev, I.S. Zulfugarov, J.A. Aliev. Some possible elements of transcription regulation of rice chloroplast encoded genes. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure, Novosibirsk (Russian), 1998, v.2, Pp. 438-441 34. J.A Aliev, M.A., Ismailov, I.S Zulfugarov. Application of fluorescence kinetics for screening tolerant cultivars in wheat plants. Proceedings of the 9th “International Wheat Genetics Symposium”, Saskatoon (Canada), 1998, V.4, pp.5-7 35. Zulfugarov I.S., Ismailov M.A., Aliev J.A. Effects of high temperature and salt stress on photosynthetic membranes in wheat plants. Proceedings of the 9th “International Wheat Genetics Symposium”, Saskatoon (Canada), 1998, V.4, pp.117-119 36. M.A. Ismailov, I.S. Zulfugarov, A.A. Asadov. Elucidation of the role of some low molecular mass polypeptides of photosystems 1 and 2 as long-wavelength chlorophyll-binding proteins//Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere, Proceedings of the 9th International Photosynthesis Congress, Montpellier, France, 20-25 August 1995, ed. by Paul Mathis, pp.253-256 37. Asadov A.A., Kotlyarova N.V., Zulfugarov I.S., Aliev J.A. Spectral characteristics and orientation of native forms of pigments in chloroplasts of barley seedlings under intermittent and continuous irradiation. “Biofizika” (Biophysics),1995, 40(2): 245-251 38. A.A. Asadov, N.A. Fataliev, I.S. Zulfugarov, J.A. Aliev. Spectral characteristics and orientation of native forms of pigments in chloroplasts of barley seedlings under intermittent and continuous irradiation. Photosynthetica, 1992, 26(3): 381-387 39. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Akhmedly K.M., SuleimanovS.Yu., Aliev J.A. The model of structural organization of the pigment- protein complexes of chloroplast thylakoid membrane in the higher plants. IzvestiyaAkad. NaukAzerb.SSR, Seriya biol. nauk. (“Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan” – Series Biological Sciences), 1987, 2: 3-34 40. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., SuleimanovS.Yu., Aliev J.A.Topografy of the pigment-protein complexes in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Report of the Academy of Sciences of USSR), 1987, 294(3): 703-707 41. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Aliev J.A. Revealing of the fine structure of absorption spectra of barley leaves. “Biofizika” (Biophysics), 1987, 32(1): 116-120 42. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Suleimanov S.Y., Aliev J.A. Organization of pigments in the light-harvesting complex and pigment-protein complex of photosystem I of spinach chloroplasts. Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Report of the Academy of Sciences of USSR), 1986, 287(2): 444-447 43. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Suleimanov S.Y., Aliev J.A. On community of chlorophyll b organization in the light harvesting and photosystem I antenna complexes in the spinach chloroplasts. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR, Seriya biol. nauk. (“Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan” – Series Biological Sciences), 1986, 1: 3-8 44. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Aliev J.A. Revealing of the fine structure of absorption spectra of barley leaves in the blue region by 4th derivative methods at 77K. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR, Seriya biol. nauk. (“Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan” – Series Biological Sciences), 1985, 6: 3-8. 45. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Aliev J.A. Study of organization of pigments in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts of higher plants by using the combination of linear dichroism and derivative spectroscopy methods. Dokl. AN Azerb.SSR (Report of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan), 1985, 41(2): 61-65. 46. Asadov A.A., Zulfugarov I.S., Aliev J.A. Determination of the number and orientation of different forms of chloroplast pigments in thylakoid membrane of higher plants, based on measurements of the fourth derivatives of the absorbance spectra of oriented chloroplasts in polarized light at 100K. Izvestiya Akad. Nauk Azerb. SSR, Seriya biol.nauk. (“Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan” – Series Biological Sciences) 1984, 6: 3-18. | |
Членство в республиканских, международных и зарубежных научных организациях | ||
Педагогическая деятельность | Профессор-исследователь Национального университета Пусан (Южная Корея) в течение 12 лет; Северо-Восточный федеральный университет (Российская Федерация, Якутск) в течение 3 лет; Курсы для магистрантов в Институте молекулярной биологии и биотехнологий НАН Азербайджана | |
Прочая деятельность | Член редакционной коллегии двух международных журналов; рецензент в нескольких журналах | |
Премии и награды | ||
Основное место работы и адрес | Институт молекулярной биологии и биотехнологий НАНА, AZ1073, г. Баку, Пр., Матбуат, 2А | |
Должность | Зав. лаб. Протеомикс | |
Служ. тел. | +82 51 5103435 | |
Моб. тел. | +82 10 24451530 | |
Дом. тел | +82 10 24451530 | |
Факс | +82 51 5139258 | |
Э-почта | iszulfugarov@pusan.ac.kr, |