- Jun 24, 2020 | 16:51 / İmportant events
The defense of dissertations of the 2nd year master students of IMBB was held on the Zoom platform - Jun 11, 2020 | 16:41 / Conferences, assemblies
Employees of IMBB participated in the I International Scientific Conference of Students and Young researchers on “Sustainable development in chemistry and chemical engineering" - Jun 11, 2020 | 14:38 / Conferences, assemblies
The colleagues of IMBB participated in the online conference - May 28, 2020 | 14:31 / Events
An online event on the occasion of May 28 - Republic Day was held at IMBB - May 14, 2020 | 15:32 / Conferences, assemblies
The online meeting of the Scientific Council of IMBB was held - Apr 02, 2020 | 13:07 / Lessons
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS organized distance learning for master’s students - Mar 17, 2020 | 10:14 / Conferences, assemblies
An educational roundtable on the fight against coronovirus was held - Mar 16, 2020 | 10:07 / İmportant events
Disinfection procedures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection have been carried out in The Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies