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                                                         Ulkar Faig İbrahimova                                                    


Place of birth

Azerbaijan Republic, Sumgayit city

Date of birth



Baku State University

Scientific degree

PhD in Biology



Speciality code and title for PhD thesis


Plant physiology

“Morphophysiological and biochemical properties of wheat genotypes exposed to salt stress”

Total number of printed scientific publications


Number of scientific publications printed abroad


Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases


Number of patents and certificates of authorship


Staff training:

-          number of  PhDs


Basic scientific achievements

The study of morphophysiological and biochemical properties of durum and bread wheat varieties regionalized in Azerbaijan under salinity. NaCl gradient in nutrient agar medium was developed that allows evaluating salt effects on root and other vegetative organs of plants and adaptability of cultivar to salinity can be used in physiological, biochemical, molecular research in order to obtain more accurate results.  Tolerant, semi-tolerant and sensitive genotypes have been assessed based on tolerance indexes of varieties cultivated under field conditions and suggested for breeding and planting in weakly salinized areas. The results of the research allow understanding the physiological and biochemical processes in the cell.

Names of scientific works

  • Карагезов Т.Г., Ибрагимова У.Ф., Мамедова М.Г. Стрессорная реак­ция листьев и корней различных генотипов пщеницы при внезапном и постепенном засолении // Известия НАН Aзербайджана (биологичес­кие науки), 2008, т. 63, № 5-6, с. 14-21.
  • İbrahimova Ü.F. İntroduksiya olunmuş buğda genotiplərinin duzada­vam­­lılığına görə qiymətləndirilməsi // AMEA Botanika İnstitutunun Elmi Əsərləri, 2009, XXIX cild, s. 660-664.
  • Ибрагимова У.Ф. Анализ солеустойчивости генотипов пшеницы, отли­чающихся по архитектонике // Труды Института Микробио­ло­гии НАН Азербайджана, 2009,  т. VII,  с. 189-192.
  • İbrahimova Ü.F. Buğda genotiplərinin duzadavamlılığına görə tədqiqi // Azərbaycan Botaniklər cəmiyyətinin elmi əsərləri, 2010, c. I , s. 304-307.
  • Azizov İ.V., Khanisheva M.A., İbrahimova U.F. Effect of salinity on chlo­ro­phyll content and activity of photosystems of wheat genotypes / The 15th In­ter­national Congress of Photosynthesis. China: Beijing, 2010, PS18.28, p. 256.
  • Ибрагимова У.Ф., Азизов И.В., Мамедова М.Г. Реакция сортов твердой и мякгой пшеницы на хлоридное засоление // Физиология растений и генетика, 2013, т. 45, №5 с. 399-407.
  • Aziziov I.V., Khanisheva M.A., Ibrahimova U.F. Effect of salinity on chlo­ro­phyll content and activity of photosystems of wheat genotypes / Procee­dings of the 15th International Conference on Photosynthesis. China: Bejing, 2010. In: Photosynthesis Research for Food, Fuel and Future. China: 2013, p. 548-551.
  • И.В. Азизов,Ф.И. Гасымова, У.Ф. Ибрагимова, К.Р. Тагиева, А.Б. Абдуллаева. Влияние красного и дальне-красного света на содержание фитохрома и активность фотосистемы 2 в проростках пшеницы при действии NaCl. Материалы VIII межнародной науковой конференции «Селекционно-генетическая наука и оброзование» 18-21 марта 2019 года 
  • Aziziov I., Gasymova F., Ibragimova U., Tagiyeva K., Abdullayeva A. İnfluence of blue and red light on physiological and biochemical characteristics of wheat plants. Biological Sciences.,2019, vol 1, № 41, p. 3-6
  • U.F.İbrahimova, A.Ch.Mammadov, Y.M.Feyziyev. The effect of NaCl on some physiological and biochemical parametres in Triticum aestivum L.genotypes. Plant Physiology Reports, 2019, pp.1-6
  • A.Rastoji ,M. Kovar, X. He, M. Zivcak, S. Kataria,  H.M. Kalaji,M., U.F.İbrahimova., S.Hussain, S. Mbarki, M.Brestic. JIP-test as a tool to identify salinity tolerance in sweet sorghum genotypes. Photosynthetıca 58 (SI): 333-343, 2020.

Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations


Pedagogical activity

Teaching “ Molecular Enzymolgy ”  for master students at the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences,  laboratory courses from“Plant physiology” at the Baku State Uiversity.     

Other activities


Awards and prizes

“Honorary Certificate” of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences

2012-2013: Science Development Foundation -  “The effect of heat stress on photosynthesis  in some C4 plants grown in Azerbaijan”  (EIF-2012-2(6)-39/19/3)


2018-2019: The joint project between the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus  and National Academy of Science Azerbaijan entitled “Phytochromic  regulation of  primary photosynthesic processes  as a factor in increasing the stress-resistance of cultivated plants”.

2019, August-October :  Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) at Slovak University of Agriculture  in Nitra 

Place of work and its address

Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of ANAS, AZ1073, Baku, Izzat Nabiyev st.11


Senior researcher

Office phone

538 22 70 (1119)


(+994) 55 2604803


(+994 18) 8 36 98


(+994 12) 510 2433

