Mahira Heybat Mammadova
Place of birth | Guba, Azerbaijan |
Date of birth | 30.06.1961 |
Education | Azerbaijani State University of S.M. Kirov |
Scientific degree | PhD in biology |
Title | Docent |
Speciality code and title for PhD thesis | 24.11.02 Plant physiology “The study of somaclonal variability in various genotypes of Triticum durum Desf” |
Total number of printed scientific publications | 74 |
Number of scientific publications printed abroad | 33 |
Number of papers published in journals indexed and abstracted in international databases | 3 |
Number of patents and certificates of authorship |
Staff training: - number of PhDs |
Basic scientific achievements | Cultures of isolated cells from immature embryos of durum wheat varieties was obtained. The problem of morphogenesis and its regulation in the culture of isolated cells and plant tissues was studied. The optimal conditions for the induction of morphogenesis were identified, morphophysiological processes and the influence of hormonal regulators of morphogenesis on them were studied. The scheme of induced morphogenesis and reconstruction of plants from callus cells was designed to obtain altered forms, peculiarities of their development in the test tube culture, epigenetic differences from the initial forms, morphological and biochemical variability were studied, plants with somaclonal variability were obtained to include them in the breeding program. Extensive material was accumulated on the presence of genetic instability in plant cells in vitro and the genetic and phenotypic diversity of plant regenerants. The effect of elevated temperatures on the morphophysiological and adaptive processes in the culture of wheat cells, the dependence of the morphogenic potential and regenerative capacity on the level of resistance of the genotype and the duration of cultivation were studied. The deterministic role of ethylene in adaptive ability of a genotype was established. The possibility of obtainment and selection of cell strains possessing increased resistance to temperature was shown. A cell culture grown under conditions of different salt concentrations was obtained. The process of callusogenesis and morphogenic ability at various salt concentrations was studied. Realizable adaptive reactions of plants to salt stress at the cellular and organismic levels in vivo and in vitro were established. The dynamics of osmoprotectors accumulation as an element of the signal system in the process of adaptation, nonspecific reactions of the signal system, and the degree of the impact of nonspecific reactions to the initial and adaptive resistance of wheat plants were studied. The contribution of systems of cellular and organismic levels of regulation to the overall stability was studied. A comparative analysis of the protein spectrum of callus growing under control conditions and at various salt concentrations was examined. It was identified that there is a decrease in the expression of protein with a mass of 45-50 kD, characteristic of control conditions as well as the appearance of a new protein spectrum, a mass of 85-90 kD, not characteristic of normal conditions. Various methodical approaches for constitutional and inducible resistance in different genotypes of wheat, adaptive potential of different genotypes of wheat based on the study of proline synthesis - as a signal system that activates during stress, as a protective mechanism were studied. The analysis of the formation and accumulation of proline, as an inducer of stress, showed a different reaction of genotypes during primary and secondary stresses (salinization). The tested methodological approaches allowed the ranking of different wheat genotypes for resistance to salinity, allowed the characterization of adaptive potential and the determination to some extent of the nature of the interaction of constitutional and inducible stability. In a wheat cell culture, various schemes of technologies for the selection of salt-tolerant cells in a selective medium were developed. The effectiveness of each scheme was evaluated separately, and salt-resistant regenerant plants were obtained. To create cell lines with increased resistance to high temperatures by using Cd2 ions. technology elements have been worked out that determine the doses of a selective agent (cadmium sulfate) that do not inhibit the growth of callus cells, which are not toxic to cell metabolism and morphogenetic potentials of in vitro culture. Generation F0 regenerant plants were obtained.The ginseng tissue (Panax ginseng) was introduced to the culture. A strain with a high rate of biomass growth and high pharmacological activity was obtained. |
Names of scientific works |
Membership with international and foreign scientific organizations |
Pedagogical activity | Pedagogical activity on the preparation of students for the master's degree |
Other activities | - |
Awards and prizes | Awarded with a Certificate of Honor on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. For many years of fruitful scientific and social activities, she was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS. |
Place of work and its address | ANAS Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology. Baku, İzzat Nabiev st.11 |
Position | Head of laboratory |
Office phone | - |
Mobile | (+994 55) 514 12 26 |
Home | (+994 12) 492 12 26 |
Fax | (+994 12) 510 24 33 |
| gamira2010@ |