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In the Defense Council of the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, Konul Hasanova's Ph.D. dissertation defense was held + Photo Sep 09, 2022 | 18:00 / Important events

On September 9, at the ED 1.25 Dissertation Council operating under the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies, the defense of the dissertation on “Effect of intensity and spectral composition of light on morphophysiological properties and productivity of tomato genotypes” submitted by Konul Zaur Hasanova, a doctoral student of Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, was held to get a Ph.D. degree in biology in 2411.02- Plant Physiology specialty.

The dissertation work was supervised by the corresponding member of ANAS, professor Ibrahim Azizov and Doctor of Philosophy in Biology, Associate professor Arif Gaziyev. The official opponents of the dissertation are the corresponding member of ANAS, prof. Magsud Gurbanov, doctor of biological sciences, prof. Vilayat Abdiyev and Ph.D. in biology, Assoc. Prof. Javanshir Talai.

Dissertasiya şurasının elmi katibi, biologiya üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru, dosent Ulduzə Qurbanova  Könül Həsənovanın şəxsi işində olan sənədlərlə şura üzvlərini tanış etdikdən sonra söz iddiaçıya verilib.

After having been introduced to the council members with the documents in Konul Hasanova’s personal file by Ulduza Gurbanova, Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council, Ph.D. in biology, assoc. prof., the floor was given to the applicant.

The applicant provided detailed information about the relevance of the topic, the purpose of the research work, the tasks set and their solutions, and commented on the main provisions of the dissertation work. A number of interesting results were obtained in the research work. For the first time, the activity of green light receptors in cells and their participation in metabolic processes were studied. It was determined that red light induces the synthesis of sugars and blue light induces the synthesis of proteins in the tomato plant. It was shown that the combined effect of green and red light rays leads to the sweetening of the taste and darkening of the color of tomatoes.

Then extensive discussions were held around the dissertation, the applicant answered the council members’ questions and expressed her attitude toward the opponents' recommendations and reviews.

According to the results of the secret voting, it was decided to apply to the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to award Konul Hasanova the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology.